
Showing posts from June, 2019

5 Ways To Make Your Home Summer Ready

Summers are around the corner and with ever increasing temperatures, it has become necessary to prepare beforehand. Apart from air conditioner, your home decor also needs upgrade to beat the heat. Try out these 5 tips to make weather fun and bearable. 1.Go green and plant more Try bringing home small pots and some herbs or shrubs in it. Having a greener patio or living room have seen a comeback due to climatic as well as aesthetic beauty. You can experiment with vertical gardening that won't take much of your space. Bring home floral plants like Lilly or roses for added elegance. 2.Choose light colors Picking up a smart color while planning for home decor or living room, lighter shades goes well with summer. Not just they’ll make you feel cool in the heat but also brighten up the space. Add colors like white, blues, or shades of nude that also uplifts the mood as soon you enter. 3.Breathable drapes Shades are good but pick always a breathable fabric. Choosing cotton home decor